We are running Solr 7.2.1 and planning for a deployment which will grow to
4 billion documents over time. We have 16 nodes at disposal.I am thinking
between 3 configurations:

1 cluster - 16 nodes
2 clusters - 8 nodes each
4 clusters -4 nodes each

Irrespective of the configuration, each node would host 8 shards (eg: a
cluster with 16 nodes would have 16*8=128 shards; similarly, 32 shards in a
4 node cluster). These 16 nodes will be hosted across 4 beefy servers each
with 128 GB RAM. So we can allocate 32 GB RAM (not heap space) to each
node. what configuration would be most efficient for our use case
considering moderate-heavy indexing and search load? Would also like to
know the tradeoffs involved if any. Thanks in advance!


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