Thank you for the explanation. The merge scheduler params make sense now.


On Wed, Jul 3, 2019 at 11:30 AM Erick Erickson <>

> Two more tidbits to add to Shawn’s explanation:
> There are heuristics built in to ConcurrentMergeScheduler.
> From the Javadocs:
> * If it's an SSD,
> *  {@code maxThreadCount} is set to {@code max(1, min(4, cpuCoreCount/2))},
> *  otherwise 1.  Note that detection only currently works on
> *  Linux; other platforms will assume the index is not on an SSD.
> Second, TieredMergePolicy (the default) merges in “tiers” that
> are of similar size. So you can have multiple merges going on
> at the same time on disjoint sets of segments.
> Best,
> Erick
> > On Jul 3, 2019, at 7:54 AM, Shawn Heisey <> wrote:
> >
> > On 7/2/2019 10:53 PM, Rahul Goswami wrote:
> >> Hi Shawn,
> >> Thank you for the detailed suggestions. Although, I would like to
> >> understand the maxMergeCount and maxThreadCount params better. The
> >> documentation
> >> <
> >
> >> mentions
> >> that
> >> maxMergeCount : The maximum number of simultaneous merges that are
> allowed.
> >> maxThreadCount : The maximum number of simultaneous merge threads that
> >> should be running at once
> >> Since one thread can only do 1 merge at any given point of time, how
> does
> >> maxMergeCount being greater than maxThreadCount help anyway? I am having
> >> difficulty wrapping my head around this, and would appreciate if you
> could
> >> help clear it for me.
> >
> > The maxMergeCount setting controls the number of merges that can be
> *scheduled* at the same time.  As soon as that number of merges is reached,
> the indexing thread(s) will be paused until the number of merges in the
> schedule drops below this number.  This ensures that no more merges will be
> scheduled.
> >
> > By setting maxMergeCount higher than the number of merges that are
> expected in the schedule, you can ensure that indexing will never be
> paused.  It would require very atypical merge policy settings for the
> number of scheduled merges to ever reach six.  On my own indexing, I
> reached three scheduled merges quite frequently.  The default setting for
> maxMergeCount is three.
> >
> > The maxThreadCount setting controls how many of the scheduled merges
> will be simultaneously executed. With index data on standard spinning
> disks, you do not want to increase this number beyond 1, or you will have a
> performance problem due to thrashing disk heads.  If your data is on SSD,
> you can make it larger than 1.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Shawn

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