On 7/9/2019 5:59 AM, PandurangPailvan wrote:
In my dot net application for indexing in solr using solrconnection.Post()
to index.

initially in solr UI swap space displays 32gb and once reach to 32 it grows
up to 64 gb and then stops indexing with system.outofmemory exception.

Can anybody help me in this.

My system env details
Physical memory(RAM) : 16 GB
JVM Memory: set to 4Gb

Solr doesn't have swap space. The swap reported in the admin UI dashboard is what the OS reports about memory, not anything to do with Solr itself.

You have mentioned dot net, so it sounds like you're running it on Windows, which is why the total swap space changed. Windows can dynamically resize its paging file, which is the same thing as what other operating systems call swap. Most other operating systems cannot change the swap size without admin intervention.

A system that is using swap/paging space is unhealthy in the memory department. Since your Solr heap is only set to 4GB, which is far less than the total memory of 16GB, you likely have other software on this system that is demanding memory from the OS that it doesn't have, so it swaps memory from currently running programs to disk. Based on the numbers you indicated, it sounds like this system is running a LOT more software than it has memory to support.

The fix for that will be to either separate some of the software to other systems, or to add memory to the system.

Was the out of memory error reported by Java/Solr or the OS? If it was Java, then your install of Solr needs a larger heap, which means it will be even more important to not run so many programs on the same system.


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