On 22 Jul 2019, at 11:32 am, Richard Walker <richard.wal...@ardc.edu.au> wrote:
> I'm trying out the advice in the user guide
> ( 
> https://lucene.apache.org/solr/guide/8_1/highlighting.html#schema-options-and-performance-considerations
>  )
> for using the unified highlighter.
> ...
> * "set storeOffsetsWithPositions to true"
> * "set termVectors to true but no other term vector
>  related options on the field being highlighted"

I completely forgot to mention that I also tried _just_:

> * "set storeOffsetsWithPositions to true"

i.e., without _also_ setting termVectors, and this _doesn't_
give the exception.

So it seems to be the _combination_ of:
* unified highlighter
* storeOffsetsWithPositions
* termVectors

that seems to be giving the exception.

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