Hello, I didn't see an existing issue for this in Jira: The system property *waitForZk* was added in https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-5129 and is supposed to increase the timeout for an initial connection to Solr at startup, From the solr.in.sh:
*# By default Solr will try to connect to Zookeeper with 30 seconds in timeout; override the timeout if needed#SOLR_WAIT_FOR_ZK="30"* However, no matter what value you set, timeout still occurs after 30 seconds if Zookeeper is not available, leaving Solr down (*CoreContainer is either not initialized or shutting down*). That's because the SolrDispatchFilter does this * int startUpZkTimeOut = Integer.getInteger("waitForZk", 30); startUpZkTimeOut *= 1000; try (SolrZkClient zkClient = new SolrZkClient(zkHost, startUpZkTimeOut)) {* SolrZkClient has a number of different constructors, and makes a distinction between the general client timeout and the connection timeout, e.g. *public SolrZkClient(String zkServerAddress, int zkClientTimeout) {...} public SolrZkClient(String zkServerAddress, int zkClientTimeout, int zkClientConnectTimeout) {...}* The first of which uses DEFAULT_CLIENT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT (30 seconds) as the *connection *timeout. So in SolrDispatchFilter *new SolrZkClient(zkHost, startUpZkTimeOut) *should be something more like *new SolrZkClient(zkHost, 30000, startUpZkTimeOut).* This is on Solr 8.1.1, and AFAIK is present since waitForZk was added in SOLR-5129. Thanks Colvin