On 7/24/2019 11:31 AM, Fiz Ahmed wrote:
              We are using Apache Solr 6.6 stand-alone currently in a number
of locations.Most indexes are holding 250,000 to 400,000 documents.Our data
comes from MS-SQL.We’re using a front-end JavaScript solution to
communicate with Solr to perform queries.


    - We have machine that are running on limited resources. Our Indexes
       (more-so Deltas) are seemingly causing system slowdowns.

Those words don't mean anything to me.  Can you elaborate?

    - Can we improve how our Deltas function?
          - Frequency of Deltas: How frequent should they be ideally.

This is a question that we cannot answer. Anything we might say would be a guess. You're likely to know a lot more about how frequently you need to index.

    - Garbage Collection tuning:
    - How can we tune our JVM garbage collection to improve overall

Solr 6.6 comes with pretty good GC tuning out of the box. As long as your heap is appropriately sized and you haven't messed with the GC tuning, it should work pretty well with no changes. If the heap is far too large or a little bit too small, performance will suffer no matter how GC is tuned.

    - Java Heap Memory Settings:
    - How can we tune this to ensure the best memory usage.

Exactly how much heap you need is another thing that we can only guess at. It depends on a lot of factors, and even with lots of information, the best we can do is give you an educated guess that might end up being completely wrong.




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