Hi Kyle - Thank you.

Our current index is split across 3 solr collections; our largest collection is 26.8TBytes (80.5TBytes when 3x replicated in HDFS) across 100 shards.  There are 40 machines hosting this cluster. We've found that when dealing with large collections having no replicas (but lots of shards) ends up being more reliable since there is a much smaller recovery time.  We keep another 30 day index (1.4TBytes) that does have replicas (40 shards, 3 replicas each), and if a node goes down, we manually delete lock files and then bring it back up and yes - lots of network IO, but it usually recovers OK.

Having a large collection like this with no replicas seems like a recipe for disaster.  So, we've been experimenting with the latest version (8.2) and our index process to split up the data into many solr collections that do have replicas, and then build the list of collections to search at query time.  Our searches are date based, so we can define what collections we want to query at query time. As a test, we ran just two machines, HDFS, and 500 collections. One server ran out of memory and crashed.  We had over 1,600 lock files to delete.

If you think about it, having a shard with 3 replicas on top of a file system that does 3x replication seems a little excessive! I'd love to see Solr take more advantage of a shared FS.  Perhaps an idea is to use HDFS but with an NFS gateway.  Seems like that may be slow.  Architecturally, I love only having one large file system to manage instead of lots of individual file systems across many machines.  HDFS makes this easy.


On 8/2/2019 9:10 AM, lstusr 5u93n4 wrote:
Hi Joe,

We fought with Solr on HDFS for quite some time, and faced similar issues
as you're seeing. (See this thread, for example:"

The Solr lock files on HDFS get deleted if the Solr server gets shut down
gracefully, but we couldn't always guarantee that in our environment so we
ended up writing a custom startup script to search for lock files on HDFS
and delete them before solr startup.

However, the issue that you mention of the Solr server rebuilding its whole
index from replicas on startup was enough of a show-stopper for us that we
switched away from HDFS to local disk. It literally made the difference
between 24+ hours of recovery time after an unexpected outage to less than
a minute...

If you do end up finding a solution to this issue, please post it to this
mailing list, because there are others out there (like us!) who would most
definitely make use it.



On Fri, 2 Aug 2019 at 08:58, Joe Obernberger <joseph.obernber...@gmail.com>

Thank you.  No, while the cluster is using Cloudera for HDFS, we do not
use Cloudera to manager the solr cluster.  If it is a
configuration/architecture issue, what can I do to fix it?  I'd like a
system where servers can come and go, but the indexes stay available and
recover automatically.  Is that possible with HDFS?
While adding an alias to other collections would be an option, if that
collection is the only collection, or one that is currently needed, in a
live system, we can't bring it down, re-create it, and re-index when
that process may take weeks to do.

Any ideas?


On 8/1/2019 6:15 PM, Angie Rabelero wrote:
I don’t think you’re using claudera or ambari, but ambari has an option
to delete the locks. This seems more a configuration/architecture isssue
than a realibility issue. You may want to spin up an alias while you bring
down, clear locks and directories, recreate and index the affected
collection, while you work your other isues.
On Aug 1, 2019, at 16:40, Joe Obernberger <joseph.obernber...@gmail.com>
Been using Solr on HDFS for a while now, and I'm seeing an issue with
redundancy/reliability.  If a server goes down, when it comes back up, it
will never recover because of the lock files in HDFS. That solr node needs
to be brought down manually, the lock files deleted, and then brought back
up.  At that point, it appears to copy all the data for its replicas.  If
the index is large, and new data is being indexed, in some cases it will
never recover. The replication retries over and over.
How can we make a reliable Solr Cloud cluster when using HDFS that can
handle servers coming and going?
Thank you!


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