If you’re literally including the quotes, i.e. q=“one two”, then you’re doing 
phrase searches which are more complex and will take longer. q=field:one AND 
field:two is a straight boolean query. Also, what query parser are you using? 
If it’s edismax, then you’re searching across multiple fields. Try adding 
&debug=query and take a look at the parsed query...

That said, these times are way longer than I would expect once the searcher is 
warmed. You can tell nothing from a single query executed after a new searcher 
is opened since the relevant parts of the index have to be read from disk. What 
happens with queries 2-N? (NOTE: don’t run the exact same query or you’ll hit 
the queryResultCache and get wonderful response times that are meaningless).

How much physical memory is on the machine and how much are you allocating to 
the JVM? Also, how much disk space does your index occupy and what kind (SSD or 
spinning disk)?

Bottom line: These kinds of queries should be way faster than that, even if 
they’re phrase queries.


> On Aug 22, 2019, at 3:30 AM, Muthu Thenappan 
> <muthu.thenap...@health.qld.gov.au> wrote:
> Hi,
> when I run "q=one" the Qtime is around 200ms however when I run 2 or 3 words 
> the run time exponentially increases eg: "q=two words" or "q=apple orange 
> berry" resulting in 3s to 10s.
> I have indexed around 10 milion document with each document containing around 
> 100 words. I am using that usual filter factories like lowercase/synonym/stop 
> filter. Found that search result retrieving part taking long time and not the 
> faceting/highlighting/sort... see below result.
>     "timing":{
>       "time":3435.0,
>       "prepare":{
>         "time":0.0,
>         "query":{
>           "time":0.0},
>         "facet":{
>           "time":0.0},
>         "facet_module":{
>           "time":0.0},
>         "mlt":{
>           "time":0.0},
>         "highlight":{
>           "time":0.0},
>         "stats":{
>           "time":0.0},
>         "expand":{
>           "time":0.0},
>         "terms":{
>           "time":0.0},
>         "spellcheck":{
>           "time":0.0},
>         "debug":{
>           "time":0.0}},
>       "process":{
>         "time":3434.0,
>         "query":{
>           "time":3316.0},
>         "facet":{
>           "time":0.0},
>         "facet_module":{
>           "time":0.0},
>         "mlt":{
>           "time":0.0},
>         "highlight":{
>           "time":116.0},
>         "stats":{
>           "time":0.0},
>         "expand":{
>           "time":0.0},
>         "terms":{
>           "time":0.0},
>         "spellcheck":{
>           "time":1.0},
>         "debug":{
>           "time":0.0}}}}}
> Caching is working good. However I did not change any factory default 
> settings for caching.
> Used jconsole to check GC time which is around 0.23 sec.
> I would like query time to fall below 1 sec. 
> However not sure where else to look? Any guidance will be much appreciated. 
> Thank you.
> Kind Regards,
> Muthu Thenappan
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