Not sure. You have an
section and 

section. Frankly I’m not sure which one will be used for the index-time chain.

Why don’t you just try it?

reload and go. It’d take you 5 minutes and you’d have your answer.


> On Aug 28, 2019, at 1:57 AM, Bjarke Buur Mortensen <> 
> wrote:
> Yes, but isn't that what I am already doing in this case (look at the
> fieldType in the original mail)?
> Is there some other way to specify that field type and achieve what I want?
> Thanks,
> Bjarke
> On Tue, Aug 27, 2019, 17:32 Erick Erickson <> wrote:
>> You can have separate index and query time analysis chains, there are many
>> examples in the stock Solr schemas.
>> Best,
>> Erick
>>> On Aug 27, 2019, at 8:48 AM, Bjarke Buur Mortensen <
>>> wrote:
>>> We have a solr file of type "string".
>>> It turns out that we need to do synonym expansion on query time in order
>> to
>>> account for some changes over time in the values stored in that field.
>>> So we have tried introducing a custom fieldType that applies the synonym
>>> filter at query time only (see bottom of mail), but that requires us to
>>> change the field. But now, when we index new documents, Solr complains:
>>> 400 Bad Request
>>> Error: 'Exception writing document id someid to the index; possible
>>> analysis error: cannot change field "auth_country_code" from index
>>> options=DOCS to inconsistent index options=DOCS_AND_FREQS_AND_POSITIONS',
>>> Since we are only making query time changes, I would really like to not
>>> have to reindex our entire collection. Is that possible somehow?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Bjarke
>>> <fieldType name="country_codes" class="solr.TextField"
>>> sortMissingLast="true" positionIncrementGap="100">
>>>   <analyzer>
>>>       <tokenizer class="solr.KeywordTokenizerFactory"/>  <!-- no
>>> splitting of input -->
>>>   </analyzer>
>>>   <analyzer type="query">
>>>       <tokenizer class="solr.KeywordTokenizerFactory"/>
>>>       <filter class="solr.SynonymGraphFilterFactory"
>>> synonyms="country-synonyms.txt" ignoreCase="false" expand="true"/>
>>>   </analyzer>
>>> </fieldType>

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