I setup SOLR on Ubuntu 18.04 and installed Java from apt-get with default-jre 
which installed version 11. So after a day of trying to make my Microsoft SQL 
Server data import handler work and failing, I built a new VM and installed JRE 
8 and then everything works perfectly.

The root of the problem was the elimination of java.bind.xml in JRE 9. I’m not 
a Java programmer so I’m only going by what I uncovered digging through the 
error logs. I am not positive this is the only error to deal with, for all I 
know fixing that will just uncover something else that needs repair. There were 
solutions where you compile SOLR using Maven but this is moving out of my 
comfort zone as well as long term strategy to keep SOLR management (as well as 
other Linux systems management) out-of-the-box. There were also solutions to 
include some sort of dependency on this older library but I’m at a loss on how 
to relate that to a SOLR install.

My questions, since I am not that familiar with Java dependencies:

  1.  Is it ok to run JRE 8 on a production server? It’s heavily firewalled and 
SOLR, Zookeeper nor anything else on these servers is available off the virtual 
network so it seems ok, but I try not to run very old versions of any software.
  2.  Is there a way to fix this and keep the installation out-of-the-box or at 
least almost out of the box?

Michael Friscia
Office of Communications
Yale School of Medicine
(203) 737-7932 - office
(203) 931-5381 - mobile

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