
Can you please share the JVM heap settings in detail?


On Mon, 30 Sep 2019, 11:15 Yasufumi Mizoguchi, <yasufumi0...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> I am trying some tests to confirm if single Solr instance can perform over
> 1000 queries per second(!).
> But now, although CPU usage is 40% or so and iowait is almost 0%,
> throughput does not increase over 60 queries per second.
> I think there are some bottlenecks around Kernel, JVM, or Solr settings.
> The values we already checked and configured are followings.
> * Kernel:
> file descriptor
> net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog
> net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies
> net.core.somaxconn
> net.core.rmem_max
> net.core.wmem_max
> net.ipv4.tcp_rmem
> net.ipv4.tcp_wmem
> * JVM:
> Heap [ -> 32GB]
> G1GC settings
> * Solr:
> (Jetty) MaxThreads [ -> 20000]
> And the other info is as follows.
> CPU : 16 cores
> RAM : 128 GB
> Disk : SSD 500GB
> NIC : 10Gbps(maybe)
> OS : Ubuntu 14.04
> JVM : OpenJDK 1.8.0u191
> Solr : 6.2.1
> Index size : about 60GB
> Any insights will be appreciated.
> Thanks and regards,
> Yasufumi.

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