Have you tried taking your keyword field out of the “qf” param and adding it 
explicitly? As keyword:”ice cream”


> On Sep 30, 2019, at 5:27 AM, Ashwin Ramesh <ash...@canva.com> wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I am using the edismax parser and have noticed a very specific behaviour
> with how sow=true (default) handles multiword keywords.
> We have a field called 'keywords', which uses the general
> KeywordTokenizerFactory. There are also other text fields like title and
> description. etc.
> When we index a document with a keyword "ice cream", for example, we know
> it gets indexed into that field as "ice cream".
> However, at query time, I noticed that if we run an Edismax query:
> q=ice cream
> qf=keywords
> I do not get that document back as a match. This is due to sow=true
> splitting the user's query and the final tokens not being present in the
> keywords field.
> I was wondering what the best practise around this was? Some thoughts I
> have had:
> 1. Index multi-word keywords with hyphens or somelike similar. E.g. "ice
> cream" -> "ice-cream"
> 2. Additionally index the separate words as keywords also. E.g. "ice cream"
> -> "ice cream", "ice", "cream". However this method will result in the loss
> of intent (q=ice would return this document).
> 3. Add a boost query which is an edismax query where we explicitly set
> sow=false and add a huge boost. E.g*. bq={!edismax qf=keywords^1000
> sow=false bq="" boost="" pf="" tie=1.00 v="ice cream"}*
> Is there an industry practise solution to handle this type of problem? Keep
> in mind that the other text fields may also include these terms. E.g.
> title="This is ice cream", which would match the query. This specific
> problem affects the keywords field for the obvious reason that the indexing
> pipeline does not tokenize keywords.
> Thank you for all your amazing help,
> Regards,
> Ash
> -- 
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