: We show a table of search results ordered by score (relevancy) that was
: obtained from sending a query to the standard /select handler. We're
: working in the life-sciences domain and it is common for our result sets to
: contain many millions of results (unfortunately). After users browse their
: results, they then may want to download the results that they see, to do
: some post-processing. However, to do this, such that the results appear in
: the order that the user originally saw them, we'd need to be able to export
: results based on score/relevancy.

What's your UI & middle layer like for this application and 
eventual "download" ?

I'm going to presume your end user facing app is reading the data from 
Solr, buffering it locally while formatting it in some user selected 
export format, and then giving the user a download link?

In which case using a cursor, and making iterative requests to solr from 
your app should work just fine...


(The added benefit of cursors over /export is that it doesn't require doc 
values on every field you return ... which seems like something that you 
might care about if you have large (text) fields and an index growing as 
fast as you describe yours growing)

If you don't have any sort of middle layer application, and you're just 
providing a very thin (ie: javascript) based UI in front of solr, 
and need a way to stream a full result set from solr that you can give 
your end users raw direct access to ... then i think you're out of luck?


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