Hello, Wei.

Have you tried to abandon heavy queries with
It may or may not be able to stop stats.
can clarify it.

On Mon, Oct 7, 2019 at 8:19 PM Wei <weiwan...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Recently we encountered a problem when solr cloud query latency suddenly
> increase, many simple queries that has small recall gets time out. After
> digging a bit I found that the root cause is some stats queries happen at
> the same time, such as
> /solr/mycollection/select?stats=true&stats.field=unique_ids&stats.calcdistinct=true
> I see unique_ids is a high cardinality field so this query is quite
> expensive. But why a small volume of such query blocks other queries and
> make simple queries time out?  I checked the solr thread pool and see there
> are plenty of idle threads available.  We are using solr 7.6.2 with a 10
> shard cloud set up.
> Is there a way to block certain solr queries based on url pattern? i.e.
> ignore the stats.calcdistinct request in this case.
> Thanks,
> Wei

Sincerely yours
Mikhail Khludnev

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