This is strange -- I can't reproduce, and I can't see any evidence of a 
change to explain why this might have been failing 8 days ago but not any 

Are you still seeing this error?

The lines in question are XML comments inside of (example) code blocks (in 
the ref-guide source), which is valid and the 
'checkForUnescapedSymbolSubstitutions' groovy function that generates the 
error below already has allowances for this posibility.

(normally putting '->' in asciidoctor source files is a bad idea and 
renders as giberish, which is why we have this check)

I wonder if it's possible that something in the local ENV where you are 
running ant is causing the groovy regex patterns to be evaluated 
differently? (ie: mismatched unix/windows line endings, LANG that doesn't 
use UTF-8, etc...)

: I've checked out lucene-solr project, branch "branch_8x"

: When I run "ant precommit" at project root, I get these validation 
: errors on "analytics.adoc" file.  Has anyone seen these before, and if 
: you knew of a fix?

: validate-source-patterns:
: [source-patterns] Unescaped symbol "->" on line #46: 
: [source-patterns] Unescaped symbol "->" on line #55: 


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