On 10/24/2019 11:50 AM, Junagade, Anup wrote:
   *   Attachment 1: OpenJDK 8 vs OpenJDK 8 key metrics
   *   Attachment 2:  OpenJDK 8 vs OpenJDK 8 waiting QTP Threads
   *   Attachment 3: OpenJDK 11 Thread dump

There are no attachments. Apache mailing lists swallow almost all attachments. You will need to use a file sharing website to successfully get files to us.

Heap allocated: 32 GB

If you set your heap to 31GB, you'll actually have more memory available to Java than a heap size of 32GB. This is because at 32GB, longer pointers are required. Solr has a tendency to create a very large number of small objects, so the pointer size increase ends up using a lot of memory.

<mergePolicyFactory class="org.apache.solr.index.TieredMergePolicyFactory">
           <int name="maxMergeAtOnce">100</int>
           <int name="segmentsPerTier">150</int>

These numbers are huge. Without setting maxMergeAtOnceExplicit, you're not getting the full benefit of increasing these settings beyond the defaults of 10. Set maxMergeAtOnce and segmentsPerTier to the same number and then use three times that number for maxMergeAtOnceExplicit. The Explicit setting is not mentioned in Solr documentation. Numbers as big as you have chosen will result in Solr keeping a LOT of files open, becasue the index will end up with a large number of segments. The OS will definitely need to have its "max open files" limit increased.

GC and ZK Settings


It looks like you have used your own GC settings instead of those that Solr comes with. Your settings are missing one of the most important parameters for good GC performance. You should let Solr's start script handle GC tuning and GC logging without interference.


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