On 10/28/2019 7:23 AM, Danilo Tomasoni wrote:
We have a solr instance with around 40MLN docs.

In the bulk import phase we noticed a high IO and CPU load and it looks like it's related to autocommit because if I disable autocommit the load of the system is very low.

I know that disabling autocommit is not recommended, but I'm wondering if there is a minimum hardware requirement to make this suggestion effective.

What are your settings for autoCommit and autoSoftCommit? If the settings are referring to system properties, have you defined those system properties? Would you be able to restart Solr and then share a solr.log file that goes back to that start?

The settings that Solr has shipped with for quite a while are to enable autoCommit with a 15 second maxTime, no maxDoc, and openSearcher set to false. The autoSoftCommit setting is not enabled by default.

These settings work well, though I personally think 15 seconds is perhaps too frequent, and like to set it to something like one minute instead.

With openSearcher set to false, autoCommit will not affect document visibility. If automatically making index changes visible is desired, it is better to configure autoSoftCommit in addition to autoCommit ... and super short intervals are not recommended.

Our system is not very powerful in terms of IO read/write speed (around 100 Mbyte/s) is it possible that this relatively low IO performance combined with

100MB/sec is not what I would call low I/O. It's the minimum that you can expect from modern commodity SATA hard drives, and some of those can go even faster. It's also roughly equivalent to the maximum real-world achievable throughput of a gigabit network connection with TCP-based protocols.

autocommit will slow down incredibly our solr instance to the point of making it not responsive?

If it's configured correctly, autoCommit should have very little effect on performance. Hard commits that do not open a new searcher should happen VERY quickly. It seems very strange to me that disabling a correctly configured autoCommit would substantially affect indexing speeds.

The same can be true also for the merge policy? how the IO speed can affect the merge policy parameters?

I kept the default merge policy configuration but it looks like it never merges segments. How can I know if a merge is happening?

If you have segments that are radically different sizes, then merging is happening. With default settings, merges from the first level should produce segments roughly ten times the size of the ones created by indexing. Second level merges will probably produce segments roughly 100 times the size of the smallest ones. Segment merging is a normal part of Lucene operation, it would be very unusual for it to not occur.

Merging will affect I/O, but it is extremely rare for merging to happen super-quickly. The fastest I have ever seen merging on a single Solr core proceed is about 30 megabytes per second, though usually that system achieved about 20 megabytes per second. Merging involves considerable computational work, it's not just a straight data copy.


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