Pretty much correct. The only change I’d make is that 7x is not actively being 
supported in the sense that only seriously critical bugs will be addressed.   
You’ll note that the last release of 7x was 7.7.2 in early June. Increased 
functionality, speedups, etc won’t be back-ported. 

So I can’t think of any reason to go with 7x over 8x if you’re starting 
something new.


> On Nov 6, 2019, at 11:58 AM, suyog joshi <> wrote:
> Hi Erick,
> Thank you so much for sharing detailed information, indeed its really
> helpful for us to plan out the things. Really appreciate your guidance.
> So we can say its better to go with latest stable version (8.x) instead of
> 7.x, which is LTS right now, but can soon become EOL post launching of 9.x
> sometime early next year.
> Kindly correct me, if missed out something !
> Will reach out to you/community, in case any additional info is needed.
> Once again, thanks much !!
> Regards,
> Suyog Joshi
> --
> Sent from:

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