Thanks Otis, but since I'm working on my own RequestHandler I need the
actual code that I should execute on the SolrIndexSearcher or IndexReader to
get the document.
Right now I'm doing the following:

    public Document getDocumentByUniqueKey(String id,
            SolrIndexSearcher searcher, IndexSchema schema) throws
        SchemaField uniqueKey = schema.getUniqueKeyField();
        if (uniqueKey != null)
            Term t = new Term(uniqueKey.getName(), uniqueKey.getType()
            int docID = searcher.getFirstMatch(t);
            if (docID >= 0)
                return searcher.doc(docID);
        return null;

But this doesn't seems to be good enough. Profiling with netbeans I see the
following line as a HotSpot:
int docID = searcher.getFirstMatch(t);

On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 1:16 PM, Otis Gospodnetic <

> Jonathan, http://...../.....?q=<your PK field here>:<doc PK here> should
> be fine.
> Otis
> --
> Sematext -- -- Lucene - Solr - Nutch
> ----- Original Message ----
> > From: Jonathan Ariel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > To:
> > Sent: Monday, October 20, 2008 11:09:35 AM
> > Subject: Getting a document by primary key
> >
> > I'm developing my own request handler and given a document primary key I
> > would like to get it from the index.
> > Which is the best and fastest way to do this? I will execute this request
> > handler several times and this should work really fast.
> > Sorry if it's a basic question.
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > Jonathan

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