I am facing exactly the same issue right now. There is no way to check if a
particular field is not present in tuple or is null.

Was there any development related to this issue? Is there a work around?

In my case, I have an incoming stream of tuples and I want to filter out all
the tuples which do not have certain field set, so I was thinking of
"having" function like this.

having( seed_expr, not(eq(fieldA,null) )

this would result in stream of tuples which definitely have fieldA set and I
can do some operation on it.

Problem is that "eq" evaluator fails with null value. 

Is there a related JIRA that I can track?

@Joel is there any way/ workaround  to achieve this? i.e. to know whether
certain field is null or not? 

Thanks and Regards,

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