Thank you Erick for this fast answer
Why is it a best practice to set the zookeeper  connection timeout to 30000
instead the default 15000 value?



Le ven. 15 nov. 2019 à 18:36, Erick Erickson <> a
écrit :

> Dominique:
> In a word, “yes”. You’ve got it. A common misunderstanding is that ZK is
> actively involved in queries/updates/whatever. Basically, what ZK is
> responsible for is maintaining collection-wide resources, i.e. the current
> state of all the replicas, config files, etc., your “global configuration"
> and "collection configuration”, which should change very rarely thus rarely
> generate writes.
> The “collection state” (including your “nodes state”) information changes
> more frequently and generates more writes as nodes come up and down, go
> into recovery, etc. That said, for a cluster where all the replicas are
> “active” and don’t go away or go into recovery etc, ZK won’t do any writes.
> So the consequence is that when you power up a cluster, there will be a
> flurry of write operations managed by the Overseer, but after all the
> replicas are up, write activity should pretty much cease.
> As long as the state is steady, i.e. no replicas changing state, each
> individual Solr node has a copy of the relevant collection’s “state.json”
> znode and has all the information it needs to query or index without asking
> Zookeeper without _either_ reading or writing to ZK.
> One rather obscure cause for ZK writes is when using “schemaless” mode.
> When a new field is detected, the schema (and thus the collection’s
> configuration) is changed, which generates writes..
> Best,
> Erick
> > On Nov 15, 2019, at 12:06 PM, Dominique Bejean <
>> wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I would like to be certain to understand how Solr use Zookeeper and more
> > precisely when Solr write into Zookeeper.
> >
> > Solr stores various informations in ZK
> >
> >   - globale configuration (autoscaling, security.json)
> >   - collection configuration (configs)
> >   - collections state (state.json, leaders, ...)
> >   - nodes state (live_nodes, overseer)
> >
> >
> > Writes in Zk occur when
> >
> >   - a zookeeper member start or stop
> >   - a solr node start or stop
> >   - a configuration is loaded
> >   - a collection is created, deleted or updated (nearly all call to
> >   collection, core or config API)
> >
> >
> > Write do not occur during
> >
> >   - SolrJ client creation
> >   - indexing data (Solrj, HTTP, DIH, ...)
> >   - searching (Solrj, HTTP)
> >
> >
> > In conclusion, if Solr nodes are stable (no failure, no maintenance), no
> > calls to  collection, core or config API are done, so there is nearly no
> > writes to ZK.
> >
> > Is it correct ?
> >
> >
> > Regards
> >
> > Dominique

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