
That's what is odd. There IS a file named solrconfig.xml within that directory. 
The naming convention for the directory is the same in all three environments 
where we have Solr running. The command works fine in the other two 
environments. But for some reason, in this environment, Solr is reading the 
directory path as a subdirectory of /opt/solr-6.5.1/server/solr/configsets/, 
rather than as an absolute path.
So, if the full path specified in -d is 
/zkCongifgset/sitecore_index/solrconfig.xml, with /zkConfigset being the root 
directory. rather than going to that directory, Solr is looking for it in 
/opt/solr-6.5.1/server/solr/configsets/zkCongifgset/sitecore_index/. I'm not 
clear on why Solr is doing that.


-----Original Message-----
From: Dominique Bejean <> 
Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2019 2:45 AM
Subject: Re: Zk upconfig command is appending local directory to default confdir

Hi Michael,

It seems Sorl really don't find any solrconfig.xml file or a 
conf/solrconfig.xml file in the local path you specified. The last try is to 
look in "/opt/solr-6.5.1/server/solr/configsets/<path to local
directory>", but obviously it doesn't work has you didn't specify a
confiset name.

The code is here -

Any error in read access rights to your config directory ?



Le lun. 18 nov. 2019 à 15:48, Michael Becker <> a écrit :

> I’ve run into an issue when attempting to configure Zookeeper. When 
> running the zk upconfig -d command specifying a local directory where 
> the solrconfig.xml files are located, I get the following error:
> “Could not complete upconfig operation for reason: Could not find 
> solrconfig.xml at 
> /opt/solr-6.5.1/server/solr/configsets/solrconfig.xml,
> /opt/solr-6.5.1/server/solr/configsets/conf/solrconfig.xml or 
> /opt/solr-6.5.1/server/solr/configsets/ <path to local directory> 
> /solrconfig.xml”
> I’m trying to determine why the solr zk upconfig command is appending 
> my local directory to the default confdir, rather than looking for the 
> XML files in that directory, I have two other environments with Solr 
> where this does not occur. It’s just this one environment that is 
> having this issue.
> I am using Solr version 6.5.1.
> Any suggestions on how to troubleshoot this would be appreciated.
> Mike

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