It seems like an issue to me.  Can you open a JIRA with these details?

On Fri, Nov 15, 2019 at 10:51 AM Jacek Kikiewicz <> wrote:
> I found interesting situation, I've created a collection with only one 
> replica.
> Then I scaled solr-cloud cluster, and run  'addreplica' call to add 2 more.
> So I have a collection with 3 tlog replicas, cluster status page shows
> them but shows also this:
>               "core_node2":{
>                 "core":"EDITED_NAME_shard1_replica_t1",
>                 "base_url":"http://EDITED_NODE:8983/solr";,
>                 "node_name":"EDITED_NODE:8983_solr",
>                 "state":"active",
>                 "type":"TLOG",
>                 "force_set_state":"false",
>                 "leader":"true"},
>               "core_node5":{
>                 "core":"EDITED_NAME_shard1_replica_t3",
>                 "base_url":"http://EDITED_NODE:8983/solr";,
>                 "node_name":"EDITED_NODE:8983_solr",
>                 "state":"active",
>                 "type":"TLOG",
>                 "force_set_state":"false"},
>               "core_node6":{
>                 "core":"EDITED_NAME_shard1_replica_t4",
>                 "base_url":"http://EDITED_NODE:8983/solr";,
>                 "node_name":"EDITED_NODE:8983_solr",
>                 "state":"active",
>                 "type":"TLOG",
>                 "force_set_state":"false"}}}},
>         "router":{"name":"compositeId"},
>         "maxShardsPerNode":"1",
>         "autoAddReplicas":"false",
>         "nrtReplicas":"1",
>         "tlogReplicas":"1",
>         "znodeVersion":11,
> As you can see I have 3 replicas but then I have also: "tlogReplicas":"1"
> If I create collection with tlogReplicas=3 then cluster status shows
> "tlogReplicas":"3"
> IS that a bug or somehow 'works as it should' ?
> Regards,
> Jacek

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