In short,

you are trying to use an indexer as a full-text search engine, right?


Am 02.12.19 um 12:24 schrieb eli chen:
> hi im kind of new to solr so please be patient
> i'll try to explain what do i need and what im trying to do.
> we a have a lot of books content and we want to index them and allow search
> in the books.
> when someone search for a term
> i need to get back the position of matchen word in the book
> for example
> if the book content is "hello my name is jeff" and someone search for "my".
> i want to get back the position of my in the content field (which is 1 in
> this case)
> i tried to do that with payloads but no success. and another problem i
> encourage is .
> lets say the content field is "hello my name is jeff what is your name".
> now if someone search for "name" i want to get back the index of all
> occurrences not just the first one
> is there any way to that with solr without develop new plugins
> thx

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