Hi Lewin,
Not sure I follow your example. From what I read, you could have one field 
lowercased and other not and filter on the first field and facet on the second. 
There is probably something that I am missing, so some example would probably 

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> On 25 Nov 2019, at 23:00, Lewin Joy (TMNA) <lewin....@toyota.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am exploring possibility to do case insensitive filter/facet queries in 
> solr.
> I would also need to preserve the cases in the index.
> This means that the normal LowerCaseFilterFactory approach would not work as 
> facet values will not preserve cases and will show in all lowercase.
> One method was to use facet.contains along with 
> f.fieldname.facet.ignoreCase=true.
> But, I need an option to do more with the search keyword. 
> Example if possible,  would be something like  --> facet.contains=Apple OR 
> Dell OR HP
> Another approach is to do a filter query with general expressions, which gets 
> costly.
> Or copy field with edge Ngram and LowerCaseFilter factory which is again 
> costly.
> Does anyone have any suggestions? It would be good if we have an option with 
> the facet.contains 
> Just need a Boolean capability in there.
> Thanks,
> Lewin

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