On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 3:59 PM, Sachit P. Menon
> Hi,
> I have gone through the archive in search of Hierarchical Faceting but was 
> not clear as what should I exactly do to achieve that.
> Suppose, I have 3 categories like politics, science and sports. In the 
> schema, I am defining a field type called 'Category'. I don't have a sub 
> category field type (and don't want to have one).
> Now, Cricket and Football are some categories which can be considered to be 
> under sports.
> When I search for something and if it is present in the 'sports' category, 
> then it should show me the facets of cricket and football too.
> My question is:
> Do I need to specify cricket, football also as categories or sub categories 
> of sports (for which I don't want to make a separate field)?
> And if I make these as categories only, then how will I achieve the drilling 
> down of the data to cricket or football.

Hi Sachit!

I've had the same problem with a search for whine. The origin of whine
can consist of up to three hierarchical values country (e.g.
"France"), region (e.g. "Bordeaux") and sub-region (e.g. "St.

I have three facet fields country, region, sub-region for that. But I
only display the "region" facet under the following conditions:

- the user has selected a specific country, e.g. France, as filter
- or only one country is left (due to other filtering or fulltext search)

Don't know if this suits you. Just the way I handle it. It's not yet
publicly available though.


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