On 1/18/2020 1:05 AM, Rajdeep Sahoo wrote:
Our Index size is huge and in master slave the full indexing time is almost
24 hrs.
    In future the no of documents will increase.
So,please some one recommend about the no of nodes and configuration like
ram and cpu core for solr cloud.

Indexing is not going to be any faster in SolrCloud. It would probably be a little bit slower. The best way to speed up indexing, whether running SolrCloud or not, is to make your indexing processes run in parallel, so that multiple batches of documents are being indexed at the same time.

SolrCloud is not a magic bullet that solves all problems. It's just a different way of managing indexes that has more automation, and makes initial setup of a distributed index a lot easier. It doesn't do the job any faster than running without SolrCloud. The legacy master/slave mode is likely to be a little bit faster.

You haven't provided any of the information required for us to guess about the system requirements. And it will be a guess ... we could be completely wrong.



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