>From the Join Query Parser code:

"// most of these statistics are only used for the enum method

int fromSetSize;          // number of docs in the fromSet (that match
the from query)
long resultListDocs;      // total number of docs collected
int fromTermCount;
long fromTermTotalDf;
int fromTermDirectCount;  // number of fromTerms that were too small
to use the filter cache
int fromTermHits;         // number of fromTerms that intersected the from query
long fromTermHitsTotalDf; // sum of the df of the matching terms
int toTermHits;           // num if intersecting from terms that match
a term in the to field
long toTermHitsTotalDf;   // sum of the df for the toTermHits
int toTermDirectCount;    // number of toTerms that we set directly on
a bitset rather than doing set intersections
int smallSetsDeferred;    // number of small sets collected to be used
later to intersect w/ bitset or create another small set


The toSetSize has nothing to do with MB of data read from the index, it is
the size in number of docs of the resulting set of documents.

Improving this would require a much deeper analysis I reckon.
Starting from your query and your data model till the architecture involved.

Alessandro Benedetti
Search Consultant, R&D Software Engineer, Director

On Wed, 22 Jan 2020 at 13:27, Doss <itsmed...@gmail.com> wrote:

> HI,
> SOLR version 8.3.1 (10 nodes), zookeeper ensemble (3 nodes)
> One of our use cases requires joins, we are joining 2 large indexes. As
> required by SOLR one index (2GB) has one shared and 10 replicas and the
> other has 10 shard (40GB / Shard).
> The query takes too much time, some times in minutes how can we improve
> this?
> Debug query produces one or more based on the number of shards (i believe)
>         "time":303442,
>         "fromSetSize":0,
>         "toSetSize":81653955,
>         "fromTermCount":0,
>         "fromTermTotalDf":0,
>         "fromTermDirectCount":0,
>         "fromTermHits":0,
>         "fromTermHitsTotalDf":0,
>         "toTermHits":0,
>         "toTermHitsTotalDf":0,
>         "toTermDirectCount":0,
>         "smallSetsDeferred":0,
>         "toSetDocsAdded":0},
> here what is the  toSetSize  mean? does it read 81MB of data from the
> index? how can we reduce this?
> Read somewhere that the score join parser will be faster, but for me it
> produces no results. I am using string type fields for from and to.
> Thanks!

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