I have created three different solrcloud instance running on three different
ports with external zookeeper 3 instance link with them and when I load the
data in one solrcloud instance, it successfully can be accessible from three
different solrcloud instance.
./zkServer start zoo.cfg (which is running on part 2181)
./zkServer start zoo2.cfg (which is running on part 2182)
./zkServer start zoo3.cfg (which is running on part 2183)

solr start -c -p 8983 -z localhost:2181, -z localhost:2181, -z
solr start -c -p 7574 -z localhost:2182, -z localhost:2182, -z
solr start -c -p 7575 -z localhost:2183, -z localhost:2183, -z

These are the starting instance of zookeeper which is link with the
solrcloud instance running with the collection with 2 shard and 2 replicas
which was distributed between these 3 solrcloud instance...
IF one solrcluod instance gets down then how zookeeper or solrcloud manage
that at run time to fetch the data from other shards or any other solrcloud
instance... please define the changes I have to make and in which
configuration file.. 
Thanks in advance....

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