Hello Phil,

Solr never returns "The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try 
again later." as an error. To get to the root of the problem, you should at 
least post error logs that Solr actually throws, if it does at all.

You either have an application error, or an actual Solr problem. Neither is 
sure with this information.

It would be helpful if you can reproduce actual queries on Solr itself, without 
the application layer, and then if an error occurs share it with the community.


-----Original message-----
> From:Staley, Phil R - DCF <phil.sta...@wisconsin.gov>
> Sent: Thursday 27th February 2020 22:32
> To: 'solr-user@lucene.apache.org' <solr-user@lucene.apache.org>
> Subject: Repeatable search term bug in Solr 8?
> All,
> We recently upgraded to our Drupal 8 sites to SOLR 8.3.1.  We are now getting 
> reports of certain patterns of search terms resulting in an error that reads, 
> "The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later."
> Below is a list of example terms that repeatably result in this error and a 
> similar list that works fine.  The problem pattern seems to be a search term 
> that contains 2 or 3 characters followed by a space, followed by additional 
> text.
> To confirm that the problem is version 8 of SOLR, I have updated our local 
> and UAT sites with the latest Drupal updates that did include an update to 
> the Search API Solr module and tested the terms below under SOLR 7.7.2, 
> 8.3.1, and 8.4.1.  Under version 7.7.2  everything works fine. Under either 
> of the version 8, the problem returns.
> Thoughts?
> Search terms that result in error
>   *   w-2 agency directory
>   *   agency w-2 directory
>   *   w-2 agency
>   *   w-2 directory
>   *   w2 agency directory
>   *   w2 agency
>   *   w2 directory
> Search terms that do not result in error
>   *   w-22 agency directory
>   *   agency directory w-2
>   *   agency w-2directory
>   *   agencyw-2 directory
>   *   w-2
>   *   w2
>   *   agency directory
>   *   agency
>   *   directory
>   *   -2 agency directory
>   *   2 agency directory
>   *   w-2agency directory
>   *   w2agency directory

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