: docid is the natural order of the posting lists, so there is no sorting 
: I expect that means “don’t sort”.

basically yes, as documented in the comment right above hte lines of code 
linked to.

: > So no one knows this then?
: > It seems like a good opportunity to get some performance!

The variable name is really stupid, but the 'solrQuery' variable you see 
in the code is *only* ever used for 'checkAZombieServer()' ... which 
should only be called when a server hasn't been responding to other (user 
initiated requests)

: >> I see a lot of such queries in my Solr 7.6.0 logs:

If you are seeing a lot of those queries, then there are other problems in 
your cluster you should investigate -- that's when/why LBSolrClient does 
this query -- to see if the server is responding.

: >> *path=/select
: >> params={q=*:*&distrib=false&sort=_docid_+asc&rows=0&wt=javabin&version=2}
: >> hits=287128180 status=0 QTime=7173*

that is an abnormally large number of documents to have in a single shard.

: >> If you want to check a zombie server, shouldn't there be a much less
: >> expensive way to do a health-check instead?

Probably yes -- i've opened SOLR-14298...



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