Hey Solr community,

I’m wondering if anyone has ever managed a zookeeper migration while running 
SolrCloud or if they have any advice on the process (not a zookeeper upgrade 
but a new physical instance migration)? I could not seem to find any endpoints 
in the collections or coreadmin api’s that catered for this scenario.

Initially I was hoping I could do all of the required zookeeper preparation 
(znode creation, clusterprops …) and start my existing Solr instance pointing 
at the new zookeeper but of course the new instance is unaware of the cluster 
state (state.json).  In fact when trailing this in a Development environment it 
was quite destructive operation as data from my SOLR_HOME (/var/solr/data) was 
physically deleted after I connected Solr to the new zookeeper instance! I’m 
uncertain if this is the expected behaviour or not but it’s certainly something 
for people to be aware of!

After some investigation and testing my thoughts are I’ll need to complete the 

-         Stop the existing Solr instance so no updates are occurring

-         Backup the data

-         Create the znode on the new zookeeper instance

-         Update/upload the appropriate zookeeper managed files to the new 
zookeeper instance (security.json, clusterprops.json, solr.xml etc.)

-         Start Solr using ZK_HOST equal to the new zookeeper instance and 
znode (possibly use new Solr nodes here and not the existing ones)

-         Replicate the collection creation process on the new zookeeper 

-         Physically copy the data from the old Solr nodes to the new Solr 
nodes and carefully map each replica and shard to the new location (which will 
have new replica names)

-         Start the new Solr instance

-         Clean up the old instance

So in summary has anybody completed a similar migration, can offer any advice, 
or are they aware of an easy way to transfer state between zookeeper instances 
to avoid the migration process I’ve outlined above?

Many thanks,


Environment (SolrCloud)

Existing Zk: 3.4.2 (Bare metal)

New Zk: 3.4.2 (Docker)

Existing Solr: 7.7.2 (Docker)

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