The blog looks like it's going to be useful from now on, so I'll take a
look.Thank you.

What I wanted, however, was a way to know what field was boosted as a
But I couldn't find a way to do that, so instead I tried to get the field
and value out of the resulting score by putting a binary bit on the
field/value pair.
It doesn't really matter to me whether you do it additively or
multiplicatively, as it's good to know the field boosted as a result.

Do you see what I mean?

2020年3月20日(金) 18:56 Alessandro Benedetti <>:

> Hi Taisuke,
> there are various ways of approaching boosting and scoring in Apache Solr.
> First of all you must decide if you are interested in multiplicative or
> additive boost.
> Multiplicative will multiply the score of your search result by a certain
> factor while the additive will just add the factor to the final score.
> Using advanced query parsers such as the dismax and edismax you can use the
> :
> *boost* parameter - multiplicative - takes function in input -
> *bq*(boost query) - additive -
> *bf*(boost function) - additive -
> This blog post is old but should help :
> Then you can boost fields or even specific query clauses:
>  1)
> 2) q= features:2^1.0 AND features:3^5.0
> 1.0 is the default, you are multiplying the score contribution of the term
> by 1.0, so no effect.
> features:3^5.0 means that the score contribution of a match for the term
> '3' in the field 'features' will be multiplied by 5.0 (you can also see
> that enabling debug=results
> Finally you can force the score contribution of a term to be a constant,
> it's not recommended unless you are truly confident you don't need other
> types of scoring:
> q= features:2^=1.0 AND features:3^=5.0
> in this example your document  id: 3 will have a score of 6.0
> Not sure if this answers your question, if not feel free to elaborate more.
> Cheers
> --------------------------
> Alessandro Benedetti
> Search Consultant, R&D Software Engineer, Director
> On Thu, 19 Mar 2020 at 11:18, Taisuke Miyazaki <
> >
> wrote:
> > I'm using Solr 7.5.0.
> > I want to get boosted field and values per documents.
> >
> > e.g.
> > documents:
> >   id: 1, features: [1]
> >   id: 2, features: [1,2]
> >   id: 3, features: [1,2,3]
> >
> > query:
> >   bq: features:2^1.0 AND features:3^1.0
> >
> > I expect results like below.
> > boosted:
> >   - id: 2
> >     - field: features, value: 2
> >   - id: 3
> >     - field: features, value: 2
> >     - field: features, value: 3
> >
> > I have an idea that set boost score like bit-flag, but it's not good I
> > think because I must send query twice.
> >
> > bit-flag:
> >   bq: features:2^2.0 AND features:3^4.0
> >   docs:
> >     - id: 1, score: 1.0(0x001)
> >     - id: 2, score: 3.0(0x011) # have feature:2(2nd bit is 1)
> >     - id: 3, score: 7.0(0x111) # have feature:2 and feature:3(2nd and 3rd
> > bit are 1)
> > check score value then I can get boosted field.
> >
> > Is there a better way?
> >

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