We have 8 text fields (*_txt_en) in schema and one multi valued text field 
which is copy field of other text fields, like below.
tittle_txt_en, configuration_summary_txt_en, all_text_txt_ens (multi value 
Observed one issue with Fuzzy match, same term with distance of two(~2) is 
working on individual fields but not returning any results from multi valued 
Term we used is "prob" and document has "problem" term in two text fields, so 
all_text field has two occurrences of 'problem" terms.
title_txt_en:prob~2. (given results)
all_text_txt_ens:prob~2 (no results)
is there any other factors involved in distance calculation other than 
Damerau-Levenshtein Distance algoritham?
what might be the reason same input with same distance worked with one field 
and failed with other field in same collection?
is there a way we can get actual distance solr calculated w.r.t specific 
document and specific field ?
Thanks in advance !!
Pradeep Kumar Kolluri

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