The goal you are describing doesn't really sound at all like faceting -- 
it sounds like what you want might be "grouping" (or collapse/expand) 
... OR: depending on how you index your data perhaps what you really 
want is "nested documents" ... or maybe maybe if youre usecase is simple 
enough just using the "subquery" DocTransformer w/o needing explicit 
relationships between the docs at indexing time.

I would suggest you read the docs on each of these features and see what 
sounds best to you...

: Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2020 04:37:06 -0700 (MST)
: From: Venu <>
: Reply-To:
: To:
: Subject: Re: Solr facet order same as result set
: Probably I haven't framed my question properly.
: Consider the schema with the fields - id, sku, fc_id, group_id
: The same SKU can be part of multiple documents with different fc_id and
: group_id.
: For a given search query, multiple documents having the same SKU will be
: returned. Is there any way I can get all the fc_ids for those SKUs returned
: in the result set? Do I have to do a separate query with those SKUs again to
: fetch the fc_ids through json facets?
: I am fetching the fc_ids through JSON-facets. But the order of those
: returned from facets is different from the result set. 
: --
: Sent from:


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