Hi Hoss,

Thanks for your detailed response. In your steps if you go a step
further and search again with the same fq, you should be able to
uncover the problem. Here are the step-by-step observations on Solr
8.5 (7.2.1 and 7.7.2 have the same issue)

1) Before any queries:



2) With fq:manu:samsung OR manu:apple


manu:apple":"SortedIntDocSet{size=2,ramUsed=40 bytes}",

3) q changed but same fq... the hits and lookups are updated as expected:

manu:apple":"SortedIntDocSet{size=2,ramUsed=40 bytes}",

4) A query with different fq.

        "item_manu:samsung":"SortedIntDocSet{size=1,ramUsed=36 bytes}",
manu:apple":"SortedIntDocSet{size=2,ramUsed=40 bytes}",

5) A query with the same fq again (fq=manu:samsung OR manu:apple)....the
numbers don't get update for this fq hereafter for subsequent searches


        "item_manu:samsung":"SortedIntDocSet{size=1,ramUsed=36 bytes}",
manu:apple":"SortedIntDocSet{size=2,ramUsed=40 bytes}",



On Mon, Apr 20, 2020 at 2:48 PM Chris Hostetter <hossman_luc...@fucit.org>

> : I was trying to analyze the filter cache performance and noticed a
> strange
> : thing. Upon searching with fq, the entry gets added to the cache the
> first
> : time. Observing from the "Stats/Plugins" tab on Solr admin UI, the
> 'lookup'
> : and 'inserts' count gets incremented.
> : However, if I search with the same fq again, I expect the lookup and hits
> : count to increase, but it doesn't. This ultimately results in an
> incorrect
> : hitratio.
> We'll need to see the actual specifics of the requests you're executing &
> stats you're seeing in order to make any guesses as to why you're not
> seeing the expected outcome.
> Wild guesses:
> - Are you use Date math based fq params that don't round?
> - Are you using SolrCloud and some of your requests are getting routed to
> different replicas?
> - Are you using some complex/custom filter impl that may have a bug in
> it's equals/hashCode impl that prevents it from being a cache hit?
> Here's an example showing that the basics of filterCache work find with
> 8.5 for trivial examples...
> $ bin/solr -e techproducts
> ...
> $ curl -sS '
> http://localhost:8983/solr/techproducts/admin/mbeans?wt=json&indent=true&category=CACHE&stats=true&key=filterCache'
> | grep 'CACHE.searcher.filterCache'
>           "CACHE.searcher.filterCache.hits":0,
>           "CACHE.searcher.filterCache.cumulative_evictions":0,
>           "CACHE.searcher.filterCache.cleanupThread":false,
>           "CACHE.searcher.filterCache.size":0,
>           "CACHE.searcher.filterCache.maxRamMB":-1,
>           "CACHE.searcher.filterCache.hitratio":0.0,
>           "CACHE.searcher.filterCache.warmupTime":0,
>           "CACHE.searcher.filterCache.idleEvictions":0,
>           "CACHE.searcher.filterCache.evictions":0,
>           "CACHE.searcher.filterCache.cumulative_hitratio":0.0,
>           "CACHE.searcher.filterCache.lookups":0,
>           "CACHE.searcher.filterCache.cumulative_hits":0,
>           "CACHE.searcher.filterCache.cumulative_inserts":0,
>           "CACHE.searcher.filterCache.ramBytesUsed":1328,
>           "CACHE.searcher.filterCache.cumulative_idleEvictions":0,
>           "CACHE.searcher.filterCache.inserts":0,
>           "CACHE.searcher.filterCache.cumulative_lookups":0}}},
> $ curl -sS '
> http://localhost:8983/solr/techproducts/query?q=*:*&fq=inStock=true' >
> /dev/null
> $ curl -sS '
> http://localhost:8983/solr/techproducts/admin/mbeans?wt=json&indent=true&category=CACHE&stats=true&key=filterCache'
> | grep 'CACHE.searcher.filterCache'
>           "CACHE.searcher.filterCache.hits":0,
>           "CACHE.searcher.filterCache.cumulative_evictions":0,
>           "CACHE.searcher.filterCache.cleanupThread":false,
>           "CACHE.searcher.filterCache.size":1,
>           "CACHE.searcher.filterCache.maxRamMB":-1,
>           "CACHE.searcher.filterCache.hitratio":0.0,
>           "CACHE.searcher.filterCache.warmupTime":0,
>           "CACHE.searcher.filterCache.idleEvictions":0,
>           "CACHE.searcher.filterCache.evictions":0,
>           "CACHE.searcher.filterCache.cumulative_hitratio":0.0,
>           "CACHE.searcher.filterCache.lookups":1,
>           "CACHE.searcher.filterCache.cumulative_hits":0,
>           "CACHE.searcher.filterCache.cumulative_inserts":1,
>           "CACHE.searcher.filterCache.ramBytesUsed":4808,
>           "CACHE.searcher.filterCache.cumulative_idleEvictions":0,
>           "CACHE.searcher.filterCache.inserts":1,
>           "CACHE.searcher.filterCache.cumulative_lookups":1}}},
> $ curl -sS '
> http://localhost:8983/solr/techproducts/query?q=name:solr&fq=inStock=true'
> > /dev/null
> $ curl -sS '
> http://localhost:8983/solr/techproducts/admin/mbeans?wt=json&indent=true&category=CACHE&stats=true&key=filterCache'
> | grep 'CACHE.searcher.filterCache'
>           "CACHE.searcher.filterCache.hits":1,
>           "CACHE.searcher.filterCache.cumulative_evictions":0,
>           "CACHE.searcher.filterCache.cleanupThread":false,
>           "CACHE.searcher.filterCache.size":1,
>           "CACHE.searcher.filterCache.maxRamMB":-1,
>           "CACHE.searcher.filterCache.hitratio":0.5,
>           "CACHE.searcher.filterCache.warmupTime":0,
>           "CACHE.searcher.filterCache.idleEvictions":0,
>           "CACHE.searcher.filterCache.evictions":0,
>           "CACHE.searcher.filterCache.cumulative_hitratio":0.5,
>           "CACHE.searcher.filterCache.lookups":2,
>           "CACHE.searcher.filterCache.cumulative_hits":1,
>           "CACHE.searcher.filterCache.cumulative_inserts":1,
>           "CACHE.searcher.filterCache.ramBytesUsed":4808,
>           "CACHE.searcher.filterCache.cumulative_idleEvictions":0,
>           "CACHE.searcher.filterCache.inserts":1,
>           "CACHE.searcher.filterCache.cumulative_lookups":2}}},
> ...so the first time we use 'fq=inStock:true' we get a single lookup and a
> single insert.  he second time we use it (even with a different 'q' param)
> we get our 2nd lookup and our 1st hit -- no new inserts -- and now we have
> a 50% hitratio.
> how does that compare with what you see?  what do similar commands show
> you with your fq?
> -Hoss
> http://www.lucidworks.com/

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