>From a (very) brief googling it seems like using the ng-cloak attribute is
the right way to fix this, and it certainly seems to work for me.

On Mon, 20 Apr 2020 at 18:12, Colvin Cowie <colvin.cowie....@gmail.com>

> Sorry if this has already been raised, but I didn't see it.
> When loading / refreshing the Admin UI in 8.5.1, it briefly but *visibly*
> shows a placeholder for the "SolrCore Initialization Failures" error
> message, with a lot of redness. It looks like there is a real problem.
> Obviously the message then disappears, and it can be ignored.
> However, if I was a first time user, it would not give me confidence that
> everything is okay. In a way, an error message that appears briefly then
> disappears before I can finish reading it is worse than one which just
> stays there.
> Here's a screenshot of what I mean
> https://drive.google.com/open?id=1eK4HNprEuEua08_UwtEoDQuRwFgqbGjU
> and a gif:
> https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Rw3z03MzAqFpfZFU4uVv4G158vk66QVx
> I assume that this is connected to the UI updates discussed in
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SOLR-14359
> Cheers,
> Colvin

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