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We have an old collection running on a very old solr version. 5.3
Now, we have a need to update the url string inside db-data-config.xml for the 

Now, I see that this version does not support downconfig and upconfig as good 
as in current versions.
I was able to downconfig using zkcli.sh scripts. But, I notice that zookeeper 
is not storing all the collection config. 
It was just storing 2 properties files that stored last index times.
So, downconfig was not useful. If I take all files individually, I could create 
the structure for the whole collection config.
But, since currently zookeeper is not storing these configs, would upconfig 
even work if I do this?

So, my question is:
How can I just update the url string in db-data-config.xml in Solr version 
Does anyone remember? Any pointers?


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