There’s a lot of confusion about using points-based fields for faceting, see: for instance.

Two options you might try:
1> copyField to a string field and facet on that (won’t work, of course, for 
any kind of interval/range facet)
2> use the deprecated Trie field instead. You could use the copyField to a Trie 
field for this too.


> On Jun 11, 2020, at 9:39 AM, James Bodkin <> 
> wrote:
> We’ve been running a load test against our index and have noticed that the 
> facet queries are significantly slower than we would like.
> Currently these types of queries are taking several seconds to execute and 
> are wondering if it would be possible to speed these up.
> Repeating the same query over and over does not improve the response time so 
> does not appear to utilise any caching.
> Ideally we would like to be targeting a response time around tens or hundreds 
> of milliseconds if possible.
> An example query that is taking around 2-3 seconds to execute is:
> q=*.*
> facet=true
> facet.field=D_UserRatingGte
> facet.mincount=1
> facet.limit=-1
> rows=0
> "response":{"numFound":18979503,"start":0,"maxScore":1.0,"docs":[]}
> "facet_counts":{
>    "facet_queries":{},
>    "facet_fields":{
>      "D_UserRatingGte":[
>        "1575",16614238,
>        "1576",16614238,
>        "1577",16614238,
>        "1578",16065938,
>        "1579",12079545,
>        "1580",458799]},
>    "facet_ranges":{},
>    "facet_intervals":{},
>    "facet_heatmaps":{}}}
> I have also tried the equivalent query using the JSON Facet API with the same 
> outcome of slow response time.
> Additionally I have tried changing the facet method (on both facet apis) with 
> the same outcome of slow response time.
> The underlying field for the above query is configured as a 
> solr.IntPointField with docValues, indexed and multiValued set to true.
> The index has just under 19 million documents and the physical size on disk 
> is 10.95GB. The index is read-only and consists of 4 segments with 0 
> deletions.
> We’re running standalone Solr 8.3.1 with a 8GB Heap and the underlying Google 
> Cloud Virtual Machine in our load test environment has 6 vCPUs, 32G RAM and 
> 100GB SSD.
> Would anyone be able to point me in a direction to either improve the 
> performance or understand the current performance is expected?
> Kind Regards,
> James Bodkin

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