Hi All,

i am trying to use {!complexphrasequeryparser inOrder=true} along with
other text fields. i am using solrj client to initiate the request.

sample query is
"{!complexphrase inOrder=true}(all_text_txt_enus:\"by\\ test*\") AND
(({!terms f=product_id_l}959945,959959,959960,959961,959962,959963)
AND (date_created_at_rdt:[2020-04-07T01:23:09Z TO *} AND
date_created_at_rdt:{* TO 2020-04-07T01:24:57Z]))"

org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.HttpSolrClient$RemoteSolrException: Error
from server  https://XX.XX.XX:8983/solr/problem: undefined field text

Please let me know what is wrong with my query.

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