
My customer has a Solr index with a large amount of fields, many of these are 
multivalued (type="string", multiValued="true").

I am having problems with setting the values for these fields in my Java update 
String[] values = new String[] {"value 1", "value 2" };
inputDoc.setField (multiFieldName, values);

However, only "value 1" is present in the index after updating.
What is the best / correct way to make this work?

Uptime Consulting | Eivind Hodneland | Senior Consultant | Munchs gate 7, 
NO-0165 Oslo, Norway
Tel: +47 22 33 71 00 | Mob: +47 971 76 083 | 
  | www.uptimeconsulting.no<http://www.uptimeconsulting.no/>
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