There are several scripts for doing this.

I might encourage you to checkout our Hello LTR library of notebooks, which
has a ranklib training driver, and helpers to log training data, train a
model w/ Ranklib, and search with it. I am using this code for my LTR
contributions AI Powered Search

But if you just care about the conversion, check out this code. It's
adapted / inspired by code written by Christine Poerschke with her Ltr For
Bees demo / talk


On Wed, Jun 17, 2020 at 12:46 PM gnandre <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Before I start writing my own implementation for converting RankLib's model
> output format to Solr LTR model format for my own use cases, I just wanted
> to check if there is any work done on this front already. Any references
> are welcome.

*Doug Turnbull **| CTO* | OpenSource Connections
<>, LLC | 240.476.9983
Author: Relevant Search <>; Contributor: *AI
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