
I'm working on a Solr core where we don't want to use TF-IDF (BM25).
We rank documents with boost based on popularity, exact match, phrase match,

To bypass TF-IDF, we use constant score like this "q=harry^=0.5 potter^=0.5"
(score is always 1 before boost)
We have just noticed a strange behaviour with this method.
With "q=a cat", the stopword 'a' is automatically removed by the query
But with "q=a^0.5 cat^0.5", the stopword 'a' is not removed. 

We also tried something like "q=(a AND cat)^=1" but the problem still.

Someone have an idea or a better solution to bypass TF-IDF ?

relevant info in solrconfig :
<str name="defType">edismax</str>
<str name="mm">5&lt;90%</str>
<str name="mm.autoRelax">true</str>

relevant info in schema :
<analyzer type="query">
<filter class="solr.SuggestStopFilterFactory" ignoreCase="true"


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