Please let s know what version of Solr you use, otherwise it’s very hard to know
whether you’re running into
or similar.

But two things to try:
1> specify q.op
2> specify mm=0%


> On Jul 2, 2020, at 1:22 AM, Tushar Arora <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a scenario with following entry in the request handler(handler1) of
> solrconfig.xml.(defType=edismax is used)
> <str name="qf">description</str> <str name="qf">category</str> <str name=
> "qf">title^4</str> <str name="qf">demand^0.3</str>
> <str name="mm">2&lt;-1 4&lt;-30%</str>
> When I searched 'bags' as a search string, solr returned 15000 results.
> Query Used :
> http://localhost:8984/solr/core_name/select?fl=title&indent=on&q=bags&qt=handler1&rows=10&wt=json
> And when searched 'books' as a search string, solr returns say 3348 results.
> Query Used :
> http://localhost:8984/solr/core_name/select?fl=title&indent=on&q=books&qt=handler1&rows=10&wt=json
> I want to use both 'bags' and 'books' as a search string in a single query.
> I used the following query:
> http://localhost:8984/solr/core_name/select?fl=title&indent=on&q=%22bags%22+OR+%22books%22&qt=handler1&rows=10&wt=json
> But OR operator not working. It will only give 7 results.
> I even tried this :
> http://localhost:8984/solr/core_name/select?fl=title&indent=on&q=(bags)+OR+(books)&qt=handler1&rows=10&wt=json
> But it also gives 7 results.
> But my concern is to include the result of both 'bags' OR 'books' in a
> single query.
> Is there any way to use two search strings in a single query?

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