I am using Solr version 6.1.0, Java 8 version and G1GC on production. We have 2 
shards and each shard has 1 replica. We have 3 collection.
We do not use any cache and also disable in Solr config.xml. Search and Update 
requests are coming frequently in our live platform.

*Our commit configuration in solr.config are below

*We used Near Real Time Searching So we did below configuration in solr.in.cmd
set SOLR_OPTS=%SOLR_OPTS% -Dsolr.autoSoftCommit.maxTime=100

*Our collections details are below:

Collection      Shard1  Shard1 Replica  Shard2  Shard2 Replica
Number of Documents     Size(GB)        Number of Documents     Size(GB)        
Number of Documents     Size(GB)        Number of Documents     Size(GB)
collection1     26913364        201     26913379        202     26913380        
198     26913379        198
collection2     13934360        310     13934367        310     13934368        
219     13934367        219
collection3     351539689       73.5    351540040       73.5    351540136       
75.2    351539722       75.2

*My server configurations are below:

        Server1 Server2
CPU     Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2650 v3 @ 2.30GHz, 2301 Mhz, 10 Core(s), 20 
Logical Processor(s)        Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2650 v3 @ 2.30GHz, 2301 
Mhz, 10 Core(s), 20 Logical Processor(s)
HardDisk(GB)    3845 ( 3.84 TB) 3485 GB (3.48 TB)
Total memory(GB)        320     320
Shard1 Allocated memory(GB)     55
Shard2 Replica Allocated memory(GB)     55
Shard2 Allocated memory(GB)             55
Shard1 Replica Allocated memory(GB)             55
Other Applications Allocated Memory(GB) 60      22
Other Number Of Applications    11      7

Sometimes, any one replica goes into recovery mode. Why replica goes into 
recovery? Due to heavy search OR heavy update/insert OR long GC pause time? If 
any one of them then what should we do in configuration?
Should we increase the shard for recovery issue?

Vishal Patel

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