The issue was figured out by starting solr with the -f parameter which
starts solr in foreground and provides the errors if any

Got an error - "Conflicting collector combinations in option list; please
refer to the release notes for the combinations allowed"

Turns out bin/solr file starts with CMS by default and had to disable that
to resolve the conflict.

On Wed, Jul 15, 2020 at 10:20 PM Walter Underwood <>

> I don’t see a heap size specified, so it is probably trying to run with
> a 512 Megabyte heap. That might just not work with the 32M region
> size.
> Here are the options we have been using for 3+ years on about 150 hosts.
> # Use G1 GC  -- wunder 2017-01-23
> # Settings from
> GC_TUNE=" \
> -XX:+UseG1GC \
> -XX:+ParallelRefProcEnabled \
> -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=8m \
> -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=200 \
> -XX:+UseLargePages \
> -XX:+AggressiveOpts \
> "
> wunder
> Walter Underwood
>  (my blog)
> > On Jul 15, 2020, at 4:24 AM, krishan goyal <>
> wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am using Solr 7.7
> >
> > I am trying to start my solr server with G1 GC instead of the default CMS
> > but the solr service doesn't get up.
> >
> > The command I use to start solr is
> >
> > bin/solr start -p 25280 -a "-Dsolr.solr.home=<solrhomepath>
> > -Denable.slave=true -Denable.master=false -XX:+UseG1GC
> > -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=500 -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions
> > -XX:G1MaxNewSizePercent=30 -XX:G1NewSizePercent=5
> -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32M
> > -XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent=70"
> >
> > I have tried various permutations of the start command by dropping /
> adding
> > other parameters but it doesn't work. However starts up just fine with
> > just "-Dsolr.solr.home=<solrhomepath> -Denable.slave=true
> > -Denable.master=false" and starts up with the default CMS collector
> >
> > I don't get any useful error logs too. It waits for default 180 secs and
> > then prints
> >
> > Warning: Available entropy is low. As a result, use of the UUIDField,
> SSL,
> > or any other features that require
> > RNG might not work properly. To check for the amount of available
> entropy,
> > use 'cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail'.
> >
> > Waiting up to 180 seconds to see Solr running on port 25280 [|]  Still
> not
> > seeing Solr listening on 25280 after 180 seconds!
> > 2020-07-15 07:07:52.042 INFO  (coreCloseExecutor-60-thread-6) [
> > x:coreName] o.a.s.c.SolrCore [coreName]  CLOSING SolrCore
> > org.apache.solr.core.SolrCore@7cc638d8
> > 2020-07-15 07:07:52.099 INFO  (coreCloseExecutor-60-thread-6) [
> > x:coreName] o.a.s.m.SolrMetricManager Closing metric reporters for
> > registry=solr.core.coreName, tag=7cc638d8
> > 2020-07-15 07:07:52.100 INFO  (coreCloseExecutor-60-thread-6) [
> > x:coreName] o.a.s.m.r.SolrJmxReporter Closing reporter
> > [org.apache.solr.metrics.reporters.SolrJmxReporter@5216981f: rootName =
> > null, domain = solr.core.coreName, service url = null, agent id = null]
> for
> > registry solr.core.coreName /
> com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry@32988ddf
> > 2020-07-15 07:07:52.173 INFO  (ShutdownMonitor) [   ]
> > o.a.s.m.SolrMetricManager Closing metric reporters for
> registry=solr.node,
> > tag=null
> > 2020-07-15 07:07:52.173 INFO  (ShutdownMonitor) [   ]
> > o.a.s.m.r.SolrJmxReporter Closing reporter
> > [org.apache.solr.metrics.reporters.SolrJmxReporter@28952dea: rootName =
> > null, domain = solr.node, service url = null, agent id = null] for
> registry
> > solr.node / com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry@655f4a3f
> > 2020-07-15 07:07:52.175 INFO  (ShutdownMonitor) [   ]
> > o.a.s.m.SolrMetricManager Closing metric reporters for registry=solr.jvm,
> > tag=null
> > 2020-07-15 07:07:52.175 INFO  (ShutdownMonitor) [   ]
> > o.a.s.m.r.SolrJmxReporter Closing reporter
> > [org.apache.solr.metrics.reporters.SolrJmxReporter@69c6161d: rootName =
> > null, domain = solr.jvm, service url = null, agent id = null] for
> registry
> > solr.jvm / com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry@1252ce77
> > 2020-07-15 07:07:52.176 INFO  (ShutdownMonitor) [   ]
> > o.a.s.m.SolrMetricManager Closing metric reporters for
> registry=solr.jetty,
> > tag=null
> > 2020-07-15 07:07:52.176 INFO  (ShutdownMonitor) [   ]
> > o.a.s.m.r.SolrJmxReporter Closing reporter
> > [org.apache.solr.metrics.reporters.SolrJmxReporter@3aefae67: rootName =
> > null, domain = solr.jetty, service url = null, agent id = null] for
> > registry solr.jetty / com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry@3a538ecd

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