The recovery is probably _caused_ by the node not responding to the update
request due to a timeout. The JIRA you reference is unrelated I’d guess.

What kind of documents are you indexing? I have seen situations where massive
documents take so long that the request times out and starts this process.

The logs you posted don’t show the reason the node went into recovery
in the first place, that’s the thing I’d concentrate on finding.


> On Jul 21, 2020, at 1:37 AM, vishal patel <> 
> wrote:
> I am using Solr version 6.1.0, Java 8 version and G1GC on production. We have 
> 2 shards and each shard has 1 replica.
> Some times my replica goes into recovery mode and when I check my GC log, I 
> can not find the GC pause time more than 600 milliseconds. sometimes GC pause 
> time goes near to 1 seconds but at that time replica does not go into 
> recovery mode.
> My Error Log:
> shard:
> replica: 
> When I searched my error "org.apache.http.NoHttpResponseException:  failed to 
> respond" in Google, I found the one Solr jira case : 
> Any one gives me details about that jira case? is it resolved in other jira 
> case?
> Regards,
> Vishal patel
> Sent from Outlook<>

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