> The class that doesn't load (in your error message) is not located in the 
> icu4j jar.  It is located in the lucene-analyzers-icu-X.Y.Z.jar file, which 
> is found in the contrib/analysis-extras/lucene-libs

Thanks Shawn, this was exactly my issue. That subdirectory was missing 
completely.  I appreciate all your help!


-----Original Message-----
From: Shawn Heisey <apa...@elyograg.org> 
Sent: Sunday, August 9, 2020 3:24 PM
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org
Subject: Re: Can create collections with Drupal 8 configset

On 8/9/2020 8:11 AM, Shane Brooks wrote:
> Thanks Shawn. The way we have it configured presently is as follows:
> icu4j.jar is located in 
> /opt/solr/contrib/analysis-extras/lib/icu4j-62.1.jar
> solrconfig.xml contains:
> <lib dir="${solr.install.dir:../../../..}/contrib/analysis-extras/lib" 
> regex=".*\.jar" />
> Which should load the jar at startup, correct?

I do not know if that path spec is right or not.  It might be.

The class that doesn't load (in your error message) is not located in the icu4j 
jar.  It is located in the lucene-analyzers-icu-X.Y.Z.jar file, which is found 
in the contrib/analysis-extras/lucene-libs
subdirectory.  That jar also needs the icu4j jar.

If the same class is loaded more than once, it probably won't work.  I know for 
sure from experience that this is the case for the Lucene ICU classes.  That's 
the biggest reason I use the ${solr.home}/lib directory
-- so I am sure that each extra jar is only loaded once.  That directory does 
not exist until you create it.


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