Hi all,

Is it possible to have multiple "df" fields? (We think the answer is no
because our experiments did not work when adding multiple "df" values to
solrconfig.xml -- but we just wanted to double check with those who know
better.) The reason we would like to do this is that we have two main field
types (with different analyzers) and we'd like queries without a field to
be searched over both of them. We could also use copyfields, but this would
require us to have a common analyzer, which isn't exactly what we want.

An alternative solution is to pre-process the query prior to sending it to
Solr, so that queries with no field are changed as follows:

q=value -> q=(field1:value OR field2:value)

... however, we feel a bit uncomfortable doing this though via String

Is there an obvious way we should tackle this problem that we are missing
(e.g., which would be cleaner/safer and perhaps works at the Query object

Many thanks and best wishes,


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