We have implemented the suggested reduction in granularity by dropping time altogether and simply disallowing time filtering. This, in light of other search filters we have provided, should prove be sufficient for our user base.

We did keep the fine granularity field not for filtering, but for sorting. We definitely need the log entries to be presented in chronological order, so the finer resolution date field is useful for that at least.

Thanks for the detailed response.


On Oct 31, 2008, at 2:16 PM, Chris Hostetter wrote:

: Concrete example, this query just look 18s:
:       instance:client\-csm.symplicity.com AND dt:[2008-10-01T04:00:00Z TO
: 2008-10-30T03:59:59Z] AND label_facet:"Added to Position"

: I saw a thread from Apr 2008 which explains the problem being due to too much : precision on the DateField type, and the range expansion leading to far too : many elements being checked. Proposed solution appears to be a hack where you : index date fields as strings and hacking together date functions to generate
: proper queries/format results.

forteh record, you don't need to index as a "StrField" to get this
benefit, you can still index using DateField you just need to round your dates to some less graunlar level .. if you always want to round down, you
don't even need to do the rounding yourself, just add "/SECOND"
or "/MINUTE" or "/HOUR" to each of your dates before sending them to solr. (SOLR-741 proposes adding a config option to DateField to let this be done
server side)

your example query seems to be happy with hour resolution, but in theory if sometimes you needed hour resolution when doing "big ranges" but more precise resolution when doing "small ranges" you could even in theory have
a "course" date field that you round to an hour, and redundently index
the same data in a "fine" date field with minute or second resolution.

Also: if you frequently reuse the same ranges over and over (ie: you have
a form widget people pick from so on any given day there is only N
discrete ranges being used) putting them in an "fq" param will let them be
cached uniquely from the main query string
(instance:client\-csm.symplicity.com) so differnet searches using the same
date ranges will be faster.  ditto for your label_facet:"Added to
Position" clause.


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